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Menswear Archives - Eleonora Cocomazzi
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UNTITLED The reason why I chose to give this title to the project is to make sure that the viewer cannot let himself be shaped by the title, so he cannot give it a meaning. I want this project to lead the viewer to travel in his imagination, to feel emotions and personal feelings, given only...

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SCORCI This project born as a capsule collection for the brand “Salvatore Ferragamo” which I translated as my personal visualization of the brand. The research starts from the photographer and painter Saul Leiter. Thanks to him, I created a well-defined male stereotype. I’ve found the story of the “zoot suit” very interesting to add in: those people used to wear...

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MEMORIE With this project I wanted to focus on my memories. I found two visual artists, Scheltens and Abbenes; they made these huge archive which they were photographing white shirts, in different positions, decontextualizing the shirt concept to make something else. I’ve decided the shirt would have been my canvas for collecting memories. Thomas Mailander is an artist who’s literally transferred...

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